
Ways to Get Involved
The programs of APO and GL are centered around developing their three cardinal principles: Leadership, Friendship, and Service. We plan a several local service projects throughout the year, including blood drives, tutoring, charity fundraising events, Scouting events, used book exchanges, Boy Scout Merit Badge days, campus escort initiatives, and housing construction/rehabilitation all to be led by you, the members of the Fraternity. Signature projects include the annual National Service Week, in the first full week of November, and the Global Spring Youth Service Day in April. Gamma Lambda upholds with membership requirements which require a certain number of hours of service each semester.
APO LEADS is a leadership development program organized by the national organization of Alpha Phi Omega in the United States. The APO Leads program consists of five individual modular components of leadership development. Each of these modular components focus on skills that will help the participant be a successful leader and team member in Alpha Phi Omega and in life. The five components of APO Leads are Launch, Explore, Achieve, Discover, and Serve. Launch is a pre-requisite for participation in any of the other four courses. Serve is commonly only offered at its own weekend-long conventions a few times about the year. The other courses can be offered on campus or at APO conventions. At the completion of the series of courses, the participant will have a set of transferable skills that are applicable to Alpha Phi Omega, to the working world, as well as to leadership in other organizations.

Spring Youth Service Day is Alpha Phi Omega's effort in participating in the Global Youth Service Day project with its partner organization, Youth Service America. During one weekend in April, millions of youth participate in this project, which bills itself as the largest service event in the world. Projects include tutoring young children, disaster relief, voter registration, nutritional awareness, distributing HIV/AIDS prevention materials, and more. Global Youth Service Day supports youth on a lifelong path of service and civic engagement, and educates the public, the media, and elected officials about the role of youth as community leaders.
GL Brothers Upon Completing Launch on Campus
In the United States, Alpha Phi Omega organizes National Service Week (NSW), a project collaboration encompassing all chapters across the nation. The original concept of a "national service project" dates back to the 1948 national convention, in which delegates approved the rebuilding of the Scout Hut at Hallows Church in London after World War II. There were several other national service efforts outside of NSW, including a recent international book drive in 2001, in which chapters collected approximately 100,000 books for schools in the Philippines.
A theme for NSW is selected by the delegates of each national convention. The first service week, in 1987 was themed around "Diabetes & Other Chronic Illnesses". The 2014 National Convention determined that the National Service Week program of emphasis for 2015–2016 shall be "Literacy and Learning for all," with specific focus on "Improving Literacy for Adults" in 2015 and "Improving Literacy in Youth" in 2016.
Gamma Lambda celebrates NSW by holding a "Week of Service." This week involves tabling, spreading awareness, and serving organizations focused around the service theme. We hold multiple weeks of service throughout the semester where we do a plethora of other service projects.